Two important EU decisions. Energy transformation also in aviation

By 2030, the European Council aims to raise the share of renewable energy in total energy consumption to 42.5%, as outlined in the renewable energy directive adopted in October. This target marks a significant increase from the previous goal of 32%.
In addition to this overall target, the directive sets specific goals for different sectors like heating, cooling, industry, transport, and construction.
Although the agreement was reached in March, the directive officially came into effect just last month.
Much, more, even more renewable energy
By 2030, the heating sector is mandated to utilize renewable energy sources (RES) for at least 49% of its energy needs. In industry, the EU Council is prioritizing green hydrogen, setting a minimum requirement for its share in total hydrogen used by industry. Specifically, this share must reach 42% by 2030 and increase to 60% by 2035.
Regarding transport, Member States have the choice between two mandatory targets by 2030: either reducing greenhouse gas emission intensity in the transport sector by 14.5% through renewable energy sources, or ensuring that at least 29% of final energy consumption in transport comes from renewable sources.
Aviation will not be spared from transformation
In another document aimed at implementing the Fit for 55 goals, the EU Council has outlined objectives for the aviation industry. Under the ReFuelEU Aviation regulation, by 2050, fuel suppliers for European aviation must provide fuel containing at least 70% alternative fuels.
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