How much would electricity cost us if it wasn’t for RES?
Iberdrola, a global leader in renewable energy production and distribution, introduced an innovative project within the Paris metro system last year. This project involves the installation of compact turbines on the entrance gates to the metro platforms.
At the central Paris Miromesnil station, six turbine prototypes are currently operational. These turbines generate energy that is harnessed to power screens displaying advertisements.
Big potential
Every day, approximately 4.5 million individuals utilize the turnstiles within the Paris metro system. With each passage through these inventive turbines, 0.2 watts of energy are generated. Armed with this information, it becomes straightforward to calculate the anticipated annual electricity production of the system.
These calculations suggest that the energy output could sufficiently power the entire metro line, consequently resulting in a reduction of over 30,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions per year.
Creativity and awareness
Having expanded its operations in France in 2019, Iberdrola places a significant emphasis on education and enhancing ecological awareness within society. Beyond its clean energy production efforts, the innovative turbines integrated into the Paris metro system precisely serve this purpose by promoting environmental consciousness.